-Parent Child Issues

As a parent, life can be overwhelming and sometimes it’s hard to find time for yourself, I get it. You may have felt burdened by the long list of chores and responsibilities & it seems there is never enough time to get it done. And on top of that if your children are not listening to you and cooperating it might seem like an unending battle while others seem to have it all together. 



You may be feeling tired, angry, reactive and burnt out and rather than enjoying and experiencing the joys of parenting you might be feeling frustrated. As a parent myself and a certified Postive Discipline Parent Educator I know many a times it becomes too stressful. But let me remind you, that there is no perfect way to parent and we all make mistakes, it’s okay. If the old methods are not working then we can discover and learn new one’s that will work for you and your child. 


Let’s make this personal resoultion to become a change-maker, who provides a safe space for children to thrive ! 

Nafs Healing’s treatment approaches will help you: