- E.A.S.E

-Emotional and Social Education Program for Children & Adolescents.

Each phase of growing up has its unique developmental issues to deal with. Our dream is to equip children with essential life skills; so that they can grow up as healthy, resilient and balanced individuals, capable of meeting the ever-increasing demands of academics and other life’s challenges while effectively maintaining their well-being

It’s a personal development program for children and adolescents to help them develop Emotional and Social Quotient. This training will be age-appropriate and entertaining with lots of experiential learning, stories, experiments and live interaction with the trainer. This curriculum is based on evidence-based research to teach essential life skills necessary for their future success. The pandemic has already taught us a few skills like adaptability, resilience, managing stress and anxiety, regulating screen usage, living in harmony with others, etc. 

Topics and activities will be age-appropriate